Thursday, January 28, 2016

dear alien

dear alien,
  this planet is called earth. earth is an amazing place filled with wonders. it has animals and insects roaming, but unfortunately it is also inhabited by creatures called human beings. on this planet, humans are superior in the law of nature. we are smarter, stronger, and more advanced than any creature on the earth. however, we are horrible beasts that kill one another for land and paper called money. in our history, we humans kill because of disagreements and freedom, we enslaved our own race, and even slaughtered innocent animals for unnecessary reasons. we created weapons for wars among humans. we are inconsiderate of our land and do whatever we want. alien, if you were to show yourself to earth, your appearance may frighten us humans or amaze us. we might invite solemnly to our planet and treat you kindly, but many people who are curious may do dangerous and cruel things to ¨explore¨ you and your species out of ¨fear¨ you may one day destroy us. we humans can be the most kind and loving but also the most cruel and dangerous. we destroy things and realize the damage after the destruction. we are the cause and the damaged earth is the effect. however, many humans on earth have different views on nature and law. some believe we must treat the earth kindly and responsibly because there is no other planet that can provide us the things this earth does. we humans are overrun by fear in our choices. it makes us do horrible things, but some people overcome the fear and nevertheless still do horrible things. 
  on the other hand, we humans are intelligent creatures that have created things to discover new things on this earth. we may have lived centuries on this land, but still have much to learn about earth. we humans are capable to love and care for another. we can create peace among ourselves and avoid the wrong decisions. you may be offended by the term alien in which we use to address you, but that is a term for unknown things outside earth. we have never seen another race of creatures but ourselves. sometimes we humans feel lonely from the belief that we may be alone in this world.
  do not try to understand us humans. it would take centuries to discover our way of thinking because each human is an individual with different views. so alien, enjoy your stay at our planet and i hope you are allowed to leave earth with no difficulties despite what the government might do to you, your ship, and your gadgets.
  your human,
  simon chung

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

my dream job

  my dream jobs are to be a teacher or a lawyer. i want to be a teacher because of the fact that i am able to teach children who will one day become incredible advocates and leaders. i will also be able to educate both my students and myself. another reason i want to become a teacher is because of the fact that i can be involved in my students´ dreams and possibly even inspiration. plus, i can get a bunch of gifts from the parents of my students, but mostly because of the inspiration and education i can bestow upon my students. however, i am not certain about the grade level i would want to teach. 
  i would also like to be a lawyer because i want to get to know, stand, and object for the laws that this country is based on. i would also like to help clients who are unjustly sued or charged because of their wealth or situation and i get that money too. however, i do not want to get involved in cases in which requires charging a innocent person and helping someone i know is a cruel person.
  these are my dream jobs. 

Friday, January 22, 2016

my role models

  my role models are my teachers and friends. my teachers are the people who teach me throughout my education. they inspire me because when i grow up i want to become a teacher, and seeing my own teachers and how they teach are one of the many things that want me to become a teacher. as for my friends, they are the people who keep me company and expand my knowledge of my community and the world. without my friends, i highly doubt that i would ever know how to ride a bus to a specific place.
  first off, my teachers inspire me with their teaching techniques. for example, how my teachers engage a class, control their students, take care of the misbehaving kids, and how they reward their students. secondly, my friends inspire me with their way of handling real life ¨issues¨ and how they are responsible (in some way).
  these people are my role models simply because of their impact on my life as a teenager and that they are inspiring and motivating as people in my lives. without my teachers, i would probably have a different career goal. without my friends, i would not know what and how to ride a metro to a place like grove. i am forever thankful for these people and are my most important inspiration in my life. 

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

my semester goal

    this semester, my academic goal is to complete all of study island by the end of march. this is because study island is one of my requirements for scholar assembly and for the eoty lel to hawaii. in order to achieve this goal, i will try to achieve at least one blue ribbon everyday or every other day. this will help me get closer to my goal because if i were to complete one ribbon everyday, i would get seven ribbons every week which will help me complete study island. if i need assistance on a topic in math or english, i will personally go to my teacher for help rather than helplessly trying to understand the concept. this will benefit both my study island and my understanding of the topic. finally, i will try my very best to avoid guessing because guessing will lead to many correct or incorrect answers. in result, i will have a lower average and must answer more questions to reach the minimum average for the lesson. that is why i will avoid guessing on questions. however, if i do not complete these steps toward my goal, i will not be able to complete my goal. this is my academic goal for this semester.