Friday, March 4, 2016

digital citzenship

digital citizenship means the simple rules of using appropriate, responsible behavior while using technology

  the types of technology i use is social media, devices used for communication, and the internet along with the world wide web. technology is beneficial because i can communicate with my friends and family through calls, texts, and video calls. i can also use technology as a resource. however, i can sometimes get lost in the world of technology and forget what i should be doing. i also get stressed and tired because of my interests in technology like games and shows.

  two types of digital citizenships are safety and kindness towards others. i know that i should not be involved with strangers in which i do not know and have never met. i also know that i should not give out any personal information like my address and number out to the public for everyone to view because there are stalkers and weird people out in the world. another thing is that i know that i should not start  or provoke unnecessary online fights with people and i should not use profanity and racism on social media. i also know i should not cyberbully another user on social media or through private communications.

  as a student, i can use technology in many ways. one common way is to use technology as a resource. google and other search engines can help provide information for projects and assignments. another way is communicating more easily among my friends and family. if i need help with anything i can call or text my friends and i can call or text my family for assistance in anything outside of my home. technology will help me in the future when i need to write essays for maybe college and high school. i can easily type my essay and edit it without erasing or having to write legibly. i can also research using technology.

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