Sunday, April 10, 2016

the impacts of social media

  in this TED talk, wael ghonim, an egyptian activist, talks about his involvement in the egyptian revolution. in the beginning, wael states that he believed that "if you want to liberate society, all you need is the internet". he was a crucial factor in the egyptian revolution due to his impact on social media.  he used the internet to spread awareness of the egyptians' situation. he started and created a page called "we are all kahled said". this page resulted in protests against the egyptian government. many people agreed with his opinions and joined him in the fight against the egyptian government. however, things backfired soon after.

  ghonim was kidnapped by government officials due to his involvements in recent revolts. his family and friends started worrying. fortunately, they had a feeling officials had taken him, so hundreds of people demanded his release. after several days, he was freed and the egyptian ruler had been overthrown. 

  when ghonim used the internet for the egypt's advantage, he also realized the downsides of the internet. he informs the audience that there are five critical challenges facing today's social media. first, ghonim states that people "don't know how to deal with rumors". rumors are passed down disguised as the truth and they spread rapidly throughout the social media. secondly, people create their own "echo chambers". their conversations are one-sided and they only converse with others who agree with them and we can mute, unfollow, and block those who oppose our opinions. 

  thirdly, internet users tend to fight with one another when conversing on the internet and forget that we are fighting with actual people behind an username. fourthly, it is hard for a internet user to change their sometimes rash opinions because word travels so fast on the internet. people can share, comment, and like your post and an opinion you don't agree with anymore can spread like a wildfire across the internet. next thing you know, there's a controversial topic about your short time opinion. fifthly, internet users tend to talk against each other rather than talking with each other. our conversations on the internet is so bland and we simply comment and like post to agree with a person's opinion. this doesn't allow open conversations or engagement with other users.

  in conclusion, wael ghonim strongly believes that the internet is a place where human impulses are unstoppable. ghonim wants internet users to write posts that are more engaging than popular and avoid one-sided opinions. he wants users to change other people's opinion through rational conversations and be more engaging. in the beginning of the TED talk, wael ghonims says, "in order to liberate society, all you need is the internet". he now believes that "in order to liberate society, we first need to liberate the internet."


Friday, April 8, 2016

my personality

 according to the 16 personalities test, i am a ENFP, the campaigner. i agree with this character category because it is an accurate description of my character. the test gave me very precise details about my strengths and weaknesses, relationships, career choices, and many other topics.
  the test stated many strengths and weaknesses, many positive and a few negative, yet they are accurate. a few of my strengths is that i am curious and i like experiencing new things which i totally agree with due to the fact that i am always excited to go anywhere besides staying home all day. another strength is that i am energetic and enthusiastic. i also agree with this because i am pretty energetic and am not exactly the lazy type. i like socially connecting with my friends and i am not awkward telling them anything. unfortunately, i have many weaknesses. one weakness is that i am independent to a fault, i don't really like working with other people when doing projects because i believe i do better by myself than with others. secondly, i find it hard to focus. i get distracted very easily when in class or at home. i get carried away in my train of thoughts and forget what i am asked to do. i also overthink things, i worry about countless unnecessary things such as death and things that might happen to my friends and most importantly, my dog. overall, i agree with my strengths and weaknesses a hundred percent.

  the test also stated my relationships with friends. the test couldn't be anymore correct. i tend to stay with friends who i can go places with and tend to do a lot for my friends. however, my friends and i are open-minded and don't hesitate to tell something to another.

  this test was very informative about my career decisions. i wholeheartedly agree with the results. i cannot choose one single job because i have so many interests and think every job is pretty exciting in its own way. for example, i would like to become a teacher,  a lawyer, a doctor, a zoologist, and many other things due to its significance. money doesn't really decide the job i want to become. i want to have more new experiences as an adult because i am in charge of myself and i have no curfew or a mother telling me when to come home. i also wouldn't do any jobs consisting of many higher ups because i would most likely question their authorities as a higher up.

  in conclusion, i am pleased of my ENFP characteristics and have no disagreements with the results of the test. 

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

my favorite actor

  robin williams once said ¨you´re only given a little spark of madness. you mustn´t lose it.¨ i like this quote because he wants people to never lose their sense of fun and madness because that makes you unique and different from the people all over the world. i believe his spark of madness made him such an amazing actor. 

  my favorite actor is robin williams because he was a renowned actor in my childhood. he appeared in movies such as mrs. doubtfire, the night of the museum, and flubber, but the first movies i had seen that robin williams were aladdin and jumanji. he has starred in many funny movies. i enjoyed mrs. doubtfire recently and it was admirable how daniel (robin williams) disguised as a nanny to watch over his family. i also enjoyed flubber in the past. a scientist (robin williams) had created a ¨living¨ invention that wrecks havoc in his lab. unfortunately, his presence in my childhood ended in 2014 when robin williams past away. however, due to our digital age we can now stream and watch the movies that robin williams made in the past.

Friday, March 4, 2016

digital citzenship

digital citizenship means the simple rules of using appropriate, responsible behavior while using technology

  the types of technology i use is social media, devices used for communication, and the internet along with the world wide web. technology is beneficial because i can communicate with my friends and family through calls, texts, and video calls. i can also use technology as a resource. however, i can sometimes get lost in the world of technology and forget what i should be doing. i also get stressed and tired because of my interests in technology like games and shows.

  two types of digital citizenships are safety and kindness towards others. i know that i should not be involved with strangers in which i do not know and have never met. i also know that i should not give out any personal information like my address and number out to the public for everyone to view because there are stalkers and weird people out in the world. another thing is that i know that i should not start  or provoke unnecessary online fights with people and i should not use profanity and racism on social media. i also know i should not cyberbully another user on social media or through private communications.

  as a student, i can use technology in many ways. one common way is to use technology as a resource. google and other search engines can help provide information for projects and assignments. another way is communicating more easily among my friends and family. if i need help with anything i can call or text my friends and i can call or text my family for assistance in anything outside of my home. technology will help me in the future when i need to write essays for maybe college and high school. i can easily type my essay and edit it without erasing or having to write legibly. i can also research using technology.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

in honor of thomas edison

"i have not failed. i've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." - thomas edison

  i believe this quote means that not getting the answer one or twice does not mean you have 
failed, but means that you have found an answer that is not correct. for example, edison didn't improve the lightbulb in one day. he failed 2,000 times before accomplishing, yet he didn't give up. the quote represents his perseverance through the improvement of the light bulb.

thomas edison did not CREATE the light bulb, he IMPROVED the light bulb so that it would be easy to produce making it cheaper, long lasting, and more reliable.

Friday, February 5, 2016

dear past self

 dear past self,
  this is you. your future you. i'm writing to you because i am bored. i want to tell you more about you in the future. you or we have a beach house mansion all to ourselves, but you decided to let your family move in so you can keep a eye on them. you graduated from harvard university and you are a lawyer and a teacher. we have ten cars and they're all baby blue ( but you have to share with your family ). we also still live in los angeles. as for brownie, she is still alive, as happy as can be. you have other dogs too. gray, a husky, potato, a golden retriever, and finally mold, a german shepherd. the reason we named the husky gray is because he is gray. the reason we named the golden retriever potato is because he is yellow. the reason we named the german shepherd mold is because he grows on you after a while. now about mom and dad. all of humanity is immortal now. unless you commit a crime, the government pulls the cords on you. literally. we're basically robots except that we still have feelings and can reproduce. humanity has artificial body parts that never die and can last hundreds of years, so yes, mom and dad are alive and well. esther is still the same annoying sister you have. she just lives in new york because she's in the fashion career. stella is very well, she is just like an ordinary person now. it's going to be really weird when you hear her talking. reading this should not make you full of yourself. act like yourself because anything you do out of this letter will affect your future. hope you enjoy your present.

your future self,

simon chung

one problem i could end

 one problem i would end would be greed. this cannot be solved through protests, speeches, marches, or laws. this cannot be solved because it is part of human nature, but if we could simply wipe out greed out our human nature, that would solve multiple problems. humans would know the true meaning of sharing and simply have and make stuff they need and not what they want. for example, if we were to stop wanting things we don't need, we can end world hunger, create peace among humans, and even have a greener environment. greed is a desire for more. we cut down hundreds of tree for extra paper we don't need, we process food using natural resources we don't need. if humanity was not introduced to processed foods, we wouldn't crave unhealthy things and could possibly reduce our garbage. we would be intelligent enough to create normal, organic food using fruits and vegetables. i highly doubt cavemen had issues with obesity besides hygiene. creating unnecessary things is dangerous to the existence of humans. many inventions we have is just to make things easier, but if we go too far with inventions that would make humans lazier and cut down our resources, we would become like the people in WALL-E and the earth would be a giant landfill. this is why i would want to end greed.