Thursday, February 11, 2016

in honor of thomas edison

"i have not failed. i've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." - thomas edison

  i believe this quote means that not getting the answer one or twice does not mean you have 
failed, but means that you have found an answer that is not correct. for example, edison didn't improve the lightbulb in one day. he failed 2,000 times before accomplishing, yet he didn't give up. the quote represents his perseverance through the improvement of the light bulb.

thomas edison did not CREATE the light bulb, he IMPROVED the light bulb so that it would be easy to produce making it cheaper, long lasting, and more reliable.

Friday, February 5, 2016

dear past self

 dear past self,
  this is you. your future you. i'm writing to you because i am bored. i want to tell you more about you in the future. you or we have a beach house mansion all to ourselves, but you decided to let your family move in so you can keep a eye on them. you graduated from harvard university and you are a lawyer and a teacher. we have ten cars and they're all baby blue ( but you have to share with your family ). we also still live in los angeles. as for brownie, she is still alive, as happy as can be. you have other dogs too. gray, a husky, potato, a golden retriever, and finally mold, a german shepherd. the reason we named the husky gray is because he is gray. the reason we named the golden retriever potato is because he is yellow. the reason we named the german shepherd mold is because he grows on you after a while. now about mom and dad. all of humanity is immortal now. unless you commit a crime, the government pulls the cords on you. literally. we're basically robots except that we still have feelings and can reproduce. humanity has artificial body parts that never die and can last hundreds of years, so yes, mom and dad are alive and well. esther is still the same annoying sister you have. she just lives in new york because she's in the fashion career. stella is very well, she is just like an ordinary person now. it's going to be really weird when you hear her talking. reading this should not make you full of yourself. act like yourself because anything you do out of this letter will affect your future. hope you enjoy your present.

your future self,

simon chung

one problem i could end

 one problem i would end would be greed. this cannot be solved through protests, speeches, marches, or laws. this cannot be solved because it is part of human nature, but if we could simply wipe out greed out our human nature, that would solve multiple problems. humans would know the true meaning of sharing and simply have and make stuff they need and not what they want. for example, if we were to stop wanting things we don't need, we can end world hunger, create peace among humans, and even have a greener environment. greed is a desire for more. we cut down hundreds of tree for extra paper we don't need, we process food using natural resources we don't need. if humanity was not introduced to processed foods, we wouldn't crave unhealthy things and could possibly reduce our garbage. we would be intelligent enough to create normal, organic food using fruits and vegetables. i highly doubt cavemen had issues with obesity besides hygiene. creating unnecessary things is dangerous to the existence of humans. many inventions we have is just to make things easier, but if we go too far with inventions that would make humans lazier and cut down our resources, we would become like the people in WALL-E and the earth would be a giant landfill. this is why i would want to end greed.